Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Instant Vitality You Can Drink Up! Water, Aloe Vera & Coffee

Water, Aloe Vera Juice, & A Espresso Shot with 2% milk

     Here are a few ways you can improve your vitality today. Ways that are not hard, but easy. Ways that are not expensive, but affordable. Ways that will help you feeling better and looking better, ASAP!  Add these liquids to your morning routine and let me know how they worked for you.

     You don't need me to tell you that increasing your water intake daily is good for you. This you know. What you might not know is that before you take your daily sip of morning coffee you should drink a nice tall glass of water first. Why?
  • This will aid in weight loss. Hydrating yourself first thing in the a.m. boosts your metabolism.
  • Drinking a nice tall glass of water fills up your stomach and curbs your appetite. Since most of us wake up hungry, this will aid in you fighting "eyes bigger than stomach" disease (from which I am a long time sufferer) and having a more appropriate sized meal. 
  • Hydrating yourself right away prevents sickness.
  • Water detoxes the body, why would you not want to start that first thing in your day? Detoxing your body makes you more beautiful inside and out! It clears your skin up and makes it more radiant. Drinking water also keeps you regular and helps clean your colon, making you prettier on the inside too!

Step it Up with Lemon!
     Adding lemon juice to your morning water (to your lunch water, dinner water...) is like a power packed boost and natural detoxer. Not only does doing this help prevent kidney stones but the acidity in lemons makes them a great alkaline food that can balance your body's PH. Lemons contain pectin which aids in digestion and helps weight loss. 

Aloe Vera Magic

2 to 4 oz per day goes a long way. 

     The benefits of Aloe Vera Juice are vast, but a few that are immediate are the detoxing properties. The juice helps aids in digestion, clearing out body and colon. Having some helps with tummy aches and heart burn. Additionally, it helps regulate blood sugars and blood pressure. Since Aloe increases metabolic rate to burn more calories, it can contribute in weight loss. More positives that you might not feel immediately: 
your improved circulation
the help in healing internal tissues
the strengthening of your immune system 
the delayed development and growth of cancerous tumors
& reduction in inflammation. 
Like most things, careful with the excess! Aloe is healthful in 2 to 4 oz amounts a day only! So break it up or take it at once but be careful to not go overboard! 

     Don't worry, I am not about to tell you that you need to quit your morning fix. But....everything in moderation. Some things you should know about the pleasure that is coffee is excess can lead to irritability, nervousness and anxiety. Even if you think you are one of those people who don't get side effects from too much java, you are. Trust me. Caffeine is like a HELLO to your body, and if you are having so much of it that you are building an immunity and need more to get that spike; it is time to start cutting down my friend. Too much of our robust buddy can raise your blood pressure, increase the feeling of stress, especially in people with hypertension. Having too much of it in your system can impact your sleep quality and  cause insomnia. If you find yourself not having a restful sleep, this might be why. Additionally, coffee can give you cravings! If you are someone who at times does not have a lot of will power proceed with caution! Remember how a nice full glass of H2O in the morning helps curb cravings? This is why its key to have one before that first morning sip. If you are a multiple cup drinking (especially through out your day) have a glass before every cup. Caffeine can dehydrate you so hydrating can counter that effect. Since coffee is socially connected we often grab it while we are out with a friend....its no mistake that pastry case at your favorite coffee spot is looking ever tempting. Since you are out with a friend to grab a coffee and gab, your cravings and need to be entertained while you're hangout out lead you to add on that scone, cookie, bagel, brownie, etc...(sorry if you are now heading toward a craving spiral). Lastly, conventional coffee is overloaded with pesticides, try to go organic if you can! Since you consume if everyday, paying a little bit more for a whole lotta less nasty stuff is well worth it. Trader Joes & Sprouts has reasonably priced beans that are organic and in an ultra dark roast! 

     If you haven't quit on me now because I blasted our B-F-F coffee (I hope you didn't) then lets talk about the goodness of coffee besides that fact that its just plain fantastic. 
Coffee is full of healthful antioxidants. Like Aloe, it can fight inflammation. It gives us a short term memory boost and lowers the risk of heart disease (in 2 to 4 cup daily drinkers). Researchers have tied coffee drinking to curbing certain cancer developments and lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Your liver loves coffee! Drinking it lowers incidences of cirrhosis, even alcoholic cirrhosis. To round it out, coffee battles fatigue, curbs depression and helps prevent gout. Coffee has many benefits and can be healthy in moderation. It's not that we can't order that white mocha, or triple grandly mocha with chocolate drizzle...but reserve those for cheat days. Coffee often hides calories with all the yummy, sinful joy we add to it and just call it our morning coffee (or if you are like me who wants a fancy, sophisticated coffee 3x a day) instead of a bomb of empty calories that will go straight to your ass. By ass I mean anywhere that your unwanted hub of jiggle develops. You know what I'm talking about. 

    So please, add the water in. Try the Aloe and be responsible with your coffee! I promise you its an easy positive change that will bring you nothing but goodness! 

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