Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Why We Sometimes Do Wheat-less Recipes & This Gluten Free French Apple Cake

         Gluten Free eating no doubt is a huge fad. Just like any other dieting fad there are many myths clouding the realistic facts about its effectiveness. -A word of advice before we go any further, you should heavily research ANY dieting plan you want to start. Just because it worked for someone you know, does NOT mean it will work for you. We are all different and we all need different things. No matter what the diet or how popular it is, the smartest thing to do is research the hell out of it. Maybe even consult a doctor or nutritionalist. Do not go blindly into any nutrition plan. That is not the way to be healthy or successful. 
        GF eating is a must for those with allergies to wheat or those who suffer from Celiac Disease. If your doctor has recommended to you that you follow a GF diet for reasons such as these, researching GF eating should be on the top of your "To Do" list. However, for those of us who don't have these issues, why should we consider  some GF eating?

         I hear and see a lot of Smart Alecks (especially after that hilarious Jimmey Kimmel skit) claiming that Gluten Free eating is idiotic.  They are making assumptions without looking at all sides of the argument, just as people go into GF eating for health results without researching what they are doing. Both are foolish.

         Some truths about GF eating you should be aware of before swearing it off, taking it up or knocking it before you try it can help you make better dieting choices even if you are not entirely a GF eater, a devote GFer or a skeptic. 

        For example, just because a food is GF does not make it healthy. Many GF foods are made with "junk carbs" (looks this up people). You might be avoiding wheat, but filling yourself up with things that are equally as empty. Become educated about what is out there and always, always, always LOOK AT LABELS! 

      Another sad sad truth, GF eating will not make you skinny. Just because you are switching to GF does not mean you will automatically lose weight. GF eating does not make you lose weight. Consuming less calories than you burn in a day makes you lose weight. Healthier dieting choices and cutting down on carbs can help you lose weight. If you are gorging on junk GF foods, this will not do a thing for you. 

     Some advantages to eating GF are "Pros" that can benefit us all. Wheat flour alternatives like oat flour or almond flour are higher in fiber and protein than wheat flour. They are nutrient rich with iron, riboflavin, magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamin E. They are great for aiding in lowering your cholesterol and are notorious for aiding in heart health. This does not mean you should turn around and eat only these alternatives, too much of a good thing can be bad too (remember to research). The point is swapping out some of your wheat flour and trying some alternatives can help to round out your diet.  These options can be great for a list of other reasons as well. 

      My boyfriend and I are not GF eaters. However, we cook GF sometimes as a way to round out our diets. We also prepare vegetarian meals for this reason as well and we are not vegetarians. A recent example of this is this Gluten Free French Apple Cake I made yesterday. It is made with a mix of Oat flour & Almond flour. Since it is higher in fiber and protein than its wheat flour (delicious and heavenly in its own right) counterpart and reduced in sugar, a slice of it in the morning has made for a indulgent yet yummy and filling quick breakfast. Of course, this is not what we SHOULD be having for breakfast but give us a break, we have been having kale green protein shakes all week! ;-) Getting more benefits out of something sweet is always a plus. The goal was to try to make something that was not entirely an "empty" treat. Being intentional in your eating and choices is the goal. Eat with intention to nourish yourself and improve your well being.  Cook with intentions of health. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

5 Great Reasons To Try Broccoli Sprouts

Here I have my sprouts on a BLT made with Turkey Bacon
     If you have seen sprouts in your grocery store of choice but have been afraid to try them because they do not look appetizing, do not be put off of them. You can add them to sandwiches, wraps, pasta and lots of other things if you just get creative! Here are 5 great reasons why you need to try these right away:

1. These Sprouts are HIGH in nutrients and enzymes. Consuming them increases vitality and vigor!

2. They are antioxidant powerhouses! They are so rich in antioxidants that they fight free radicals in your body and fight aging. In fact, the sprouts have more antioxidant properties than broccoli alone.

3. According to John Hopkins research broccoli sprouts provide cancer protection.

4. Sprouts reduce symptoms of asthma and other lung problems by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the airways.

5.  Sprouts are believed to be a great aid in lowering your risk of heart disease.

Hot Lemon and Green Tea, Have it TODAY!

     Something I encourage you to try before and after (at least after) your meals and or when you first wake up in the morning is hot lemon water with a green tea bag. 

Here is why:

     Green Tea and Lemon Juice have many benefits separately and together they are a delightful couple. Consuming both aids in digestion. Both boost your metabolism and green tea especially has fat burning effects. I always heard that having a cup of green tea after dinner can help you digest a full tummy while you're snoozing in bed, but I never knew until today that consuming green tea pre chow can also help you get a kick start on digesting your food and burning that energy up! Why wouldn't you be down for that?

     Additionally, hot lemon water relieves belching, bloating, indigestion and heartburn. It balances your PH levels and gives you fresh breath :-) They BOTH help clear your skin, help you loose weight and can stabilize diabetes as well as fight and prevent cancers. They flush toxins out of your body, increase urination in doing so (so you are flushing toxins and debloating) and help regulate your bowel system. All good things. 

    Fitting this little ritual in before your morning coffee or replacing it with anything over one cup of coffee will do you a world of good. I am a coffee lush and lately I am perfectly content with just one modest cup. The green tea gives me enough peppiness to last all day!  Give it a try and see the difference...remember to hydrate with water all day!!! All those trips to the bathroom could leave you dehydrated if you aren't taking in some fresh aqua!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Chicken & Black Truffle Pâté Crostini with Garlic Roasted Kale

     If you aren't very familiar with French cuisine, here's your chance to be a bit daring. You can find the ingredients to make this dish at your local Trader Joe's, and you can prepare it for a reasonable price. You will need one carton of chicken liver and black truffle pâté (about $5). A large log of Chevre (goat cheese, also about $5) a baguette and a bag of kale. You can feed 4-5 people with these ingredients at just under $15.00.

Preheat your oven to 400F.

Slice the baguette into 1 inch pieces.

Lay flat on a baking sheet and lightly brush with olive oil.

Toast very slightly in your oven, take the mini toasts out and flip over. Let cool.

While they are cooling, rinse kale and lightly toss in olive oil and garlic. Add salt and pepper to your liking.

Put the kale in a oven safe dish and roast for 15 minutes.

Spread a layer of chevre over each toast, then do the same with the pâté. Return the crostini to the oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until yousee the edges become crispy and the pâté bubbling. Remove from oven and cool.


C'est Si Bon for Baby & You! Organic Root and Vegetable Stew

         I cook a lot of baby food that can be tasty for adults too!
This dish is a great sub for mashed potatoes and ensures that baby and you gets some veggies in. 
The great thing about this dish if you can lessen the liquid and mash it down further (or puree it) or leave it chunkier depending on your baby's chewing ability. 

      This recipe requires very little: 
1 Carton of Organic Vegetable Broth
2 Organic Parsnips
2 Organic Carrots 
2 Organic Potatoes
3 Tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
(For adults, you may want to add salt, pepper and/or garlic powder)


Peel and wash all the veggies then chop like so,

Put one Tablespoon of the EVOO in a skillet, heat and add the carrots. Cook for about 3 minutes and then add brother until the liquid is just covering the carrots. Let cook for about 10 minutes or until the carrots are about half way cooked to soft. 

Then do the same with the potatoes and parsnips with the other 2 Tablespoons of EVOO. It is important to not start to cook the potatoes and parsnips until the carrots are cooked almost all the way. You can do the potatoes and parsnips together as they cook fairly quickly whereas carrots take much longer.

Let the veggies keep cooking and absorbing the liquids until soft. 

     When done, you can puree the mixture or serve as is. It is important to mash, puree, or dice to your baby's chewing abilities. Don't be afraid to add a pinch of salt and some garlic powder, baby's enjoy a little flavor too! 

     Let cool before you refrigerate. This can last up to 3 days, if wrapped air tight in the refrigerator. You can also divide into ice cube trays and wrap tight, saving for up to 3 months. 

Buon Appetito Bambini! 

Want to see more baby recipes? Let me know! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Almond Fish Tacos A Great Dinner Under 600 calories!

These fish tacos are amazing! They are a perfect example of making a delicious, healthy meal that is guilt free!

What you will need per single serving:
1 Fillet of White Fish (like tilapia)
1/3 Cup Almond Meal (I bought mine at Trader Joes)*
1 Teaspoon of Parsley*
1/2 Teaspoon of Pepper*
1/2 Teaspoon of Kosher Salt*
*these items can be used for up to 3 servings
2 cups of Shredded Brussels Sprouts, Kale, Red and Green Cabbage (you can buy this blend also at Trader Joes)
3 Cloves of Garlic
2 White Corn Tortillas (low cal or regular)
1/3 cup Sunflower Oil (you will not need more of this if you multiply the serving up to 8 times)
1/4 of an Sliced Avocado
Salsa and Sour Cream if desired.

Step 1

Preheat the Oven to 400F
  1. In a mixing bowl combined the almond meal, parsley, salt and pepper & stir.
  2. Line a baking sheet with foil and use a non stick spray. 
  3. Bread the fillet in the almond meal mixture and lay out on the baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes or until cooked to your liking. (I like mine in a little longer so the outside gets crispier)
  4. While the fish is baking, dice up the garlic and add with 2 Tablespoons of the Sunflower Oil. Let the garlic simmer until golden then add in the veggie blend. Let the veggies reduce slightly, only for a couple minutes so they stay crunchy. Transfer them out of the pan onto a paper towel to remove excess oil. 
  5. Add in the rest of the oil to the skillet and when the oil is hot, make taco shells with the two tortillas. When done, transfer those on paper towels also and soak up excess oil. 
  6. By now your fish should be done. Remove it from the oven and slice up.

  7. In each shell put the veggie mix and lay fish and avocado slices on top. 


Buckwheat Pancakes

    I became a lover of buckwheat for a few reasons. Not only is it amazing tasting, but its gluten free! Buckwheat is not actually "wheat". It's like being able to eat pancakes for a great healthy reason without the guilt, bloat and maple syrup hangover. Have you ever had a craving for pancakes or waffles and then immediately after you finish them you have that instant regret that you just consumed something that did absolutely nothing for you except make you full and sticky? If so this recipe is for you! 

     Beside the fact that this is a gluten free dish it is high fiber and protein. It will keep you full for a long time as well as help with digestion. Buckwheat reduces high blood pressure and researchers believe that it may help treat diabetes. One of my favorite things about these pancakes is that buckwheat draws excess water out of the body, so it will help you with a bloat! It is currently being studied for its benefits in plasma cholesterol reduction and the reduction of body fat. An all around great food to try. 

     I follow the recipe on the back of the mix I buy. You can find it at Lassens, I found this one at Pavilions for just under $5. I use raw honey & almond milk. You do not have to use almond milk, but I do so since I use cows milk in my cappuccini and do not like over doing it on the milk. Using almond milk as I do will also cut a few calories too! Also, this particular mix is all organic and they do not add ANY sugar! The sweetness is added just with the honey. I LOVE this because there is no extra hidden calories. If you can't find a mix this is another thats great:

1 Cup Buckwheat Flour
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1/4 Teaspoon Salt (I use Kosher)
2 Teaspoons of honey ( I use raw)
1 Cup Milk
2 Tablespoons Melted Butter
(if you feel like your mix is too runny with this recipe as I often do...sprinkle in more flour until you get the desired consistency)

    I only eat 2 pancakes at a time, so I make the whole recipe then store it in a glass measuring cup to use it the next couple of days.

     Slice up fresh fruit; I use strawberries or raspberries usually.
(I sometimes heat the strawberries up in the oven for a bit if I'm in the mood for a little more richness)
Top with your favorite yogurt, I use Greek 0% fat vanilla

     If prepared my way with the mix, 2 pancakes with the yogurt and fruit comes to approx. 380-400 calories a plate. 


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Polenta with Crumbled Sausage & Parmesan

     Polenta is perfect for cold rainy days inside. Today was not particularly cold or rainy but I was in the mood for it anyway. I encourage anyone who hasn't tried polenta to give it a go. When freshly cooked, it has a consistency I would describe as a softer grits or cream of wheat. When you cool it, it becomes a solid that you can slice and pan fry with a bit of olive oil. Polenta became popular in Italy in the 1700's. Back then polenta was considered peasant food due to the fact it was plentiful and cheap. Because food was more scarce during the winter months, polenta became a winter food staple and still is. You can find polenta at a few local chain grocery stores, I found mine at Pavilions for $2.99 a bag. However, it is more popular at grocery stores geared towards more organic and health food interests like Sprouts and Whole Foods. Since polenta is a gluten free food, it is a must try to anyone who is interested in reducing wheat intake, looking for new options! In addition to polenta being a gluten free food, polenta is said to be a great natural source of carotenoids, which are known for their role in cancer prevention and protection against heart disease. Polenta is low carb, rich in Vitamin A and C.

     My recommendation is to enjoy polenta with a hearty veggie. I chose Kale Blossoms roasted with garlic. You can do a lot to dress up your polenta, in this recipe I crumble sausage and parmesan cheese over mine. Here is how it's done:

For this recipe, I made enough for 4 people at having 1/4 cup dry polenta servings each. This would be approx.  400-450 calories a bowl with the parmesan cheese and sausage as pictured. 

You will need these ingredients: 
  • Chicken Broth (better to go low sodium but I didn't have it on hand)
  • A large can or jar of marinara sauce, I usually make my own but if I have to use pre made I use Trader Joes Low Fat Tuscan Marinara Sauce. It's awesome for pre-made, canned easy sauce. 
  • Polenta
  • 3 Mild or Hot (depending on your preference) Italian sausages
  • Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • 2 Tablespoons of Butter
  • Kosher Salt

  1. Empty the sauce into a saucepan and add 1/4 cup water and 1/4 cup broth. Add in the sausages, cover and stir often on medium-low heat so that the sauce and sausages do not burn. 
  2. Continue to cook the sausages until they are so soft you could cut them with a spoon. You may have to add another 1/4 cup of broth if you start losing liquid. 
  3. In the mean time boil 4 cups of water. Salt the water with 1/2 a teaspoon of Kosher salt. Bring the water to a rolling boil and add in 1 cup of polenta. Cover until the mixture is boiling. Once the mixture is boiling reduce the heat and stir. Cover for a couple minutes then take the lid of and stir again for a couple minutes, repeating these steps until you have a soft, thick polenta that is about the consistency of grits. Make sure to keep the heat on medium-low, you do not want to burn the polenta. Add 2 Tablespoons of butter into the polenta and mix in well until melted. 
  4. On a cutting board, remove the sausages from the sauce and crumble them up with a fork and knife. They should be soft enough to make this easy. Add back to the sauce. 
  5. Divide the polenta evenly into 4 bowls. Top with the sauce and sausage mixture and sprinkle with the parmesan cheese. 
A great fact about this meal is you could feed four people for less than $10.00!!!
Cheap, Healthy, Easy & Delicious!!!

Buon Appetito! 

Embracing the fact that food is fuel, but you like it anyway, 101

     Existing amongst all of us that love our warm plates of pasta, the occasional slice of New York style cheesecake and the cheesy godlikeness of the perfect slice of pizza are those who only eat food as fuel. However hard it is to face, the fact remains that food is meant to give us nutrients and fuel so that we can continue to live. Thats why treating yourself to that excess raspberry truffle cheesecake showed up on the scale the next morning. Nourishing your body can not always be a gourmet experience.  This may be one of the biggest causes of cheat days that turn into cheat weeks, months and years. I have many friends who go from 0 to 60, trying to change themselves into someone who only eats for fuel, not intending to like anything "healthy" that they shove down their throat.  Let me give you two examples of things that are never going to work.

Example 1 involves someone who turns to supplements, meal replacements, etc. in order to lose weight. We often, without even realizing it develop a "If I had..." mentality. If I had _____(fill this space in with whatever fade diet you last tried or heard about) I could lose the weight. If I had new clothes to fit into I would lose the weight. If I had a new gym membership or excercise equipment I could lose the weight. You absolutely could lose the weight with any of those things, but you never will no matter what you get or how much money you spend without self control, will power and personnel responsibility. Before you spend the money on any new weight loss plan think to yourself, do I have the self control not to cheat on this? Do I have the will power to stick to this? If I make a mistake, will I take responsibility for it and crack down on myself? If you can answer yes to all of those, why don't you try using those energies into maintaing a healthily diet and exercise first? Whole, natural and unprocessed food is always the best solution to try first. I often ask my friends, if you can't stand having a salad for lunch because it tastes "too healthy" do you think you will be satisfied with a green smoothie or a protein shake and nothing else? The answer is often "no" or the meal replacement turns into a side dish to the meal you have afterward because you are not satisfied.

Example 2 involves someone who believes that dieting or eating right is all about deprivation. When you have this mentality you are always going to be thinking about eating healthy or making changes to your diet (in order to be a more healthy individual) as a negative thing. Of course you are going to be hesitant to do anything that you percieve as a negative thing! That is a completely natural reaction.  The truth of the matter is that while every experience can not be gourmet, you can LIKE the healthy food you eat. Enjoying a delicious, indulgent treat here and there does not make you a failure. However, if you are only allowing yourself food you dread, you will always be longing for the food you like. That is a recipe for a crash and burn. Start making healthy food you LIKE to eat, so that you do not feel like you are constantly punishing yourself. My boyfriend and I recently discovered that we LOVE garlic roasted kale blossoms. I was honestly ready to dismiss kale in every way except for the frozen kale I added to my morning green smoothies because it was masked by the pineapple and mango I also added. Opening myself up to trying it as a side dish with him (for him) made me a believer and now I don't think of it at all like a punishment. You have to find what works for you. Do me a favor and trust me on this one. You are making me give him a lot of credit by trying to convince you here but I am willing to go on hearing the "See I told you to try it and now BOOM you like it"'s just for you to get what I am saying here.

     I have read a lot of articles about people saying "food is fuel only" or saying something that always seems to sound like "if you like food for anything other than giving your body energy to get your run on at the gym...than you are a big fat pig". None of the sites actually said that but I think you know what I mean. If you make an internal agreement with yourself and come to terms with the fact that you enjoy eating, you can make a rule for yourself. You are going to embrace the fact that food is only for fuel and that you shouldn't go to it for any other reason than to fuel your body. Yes, that candy you gorged on because you were feeling emotional and your roommate gifted you a jar of fun sized chocolate sabotage was a mistake, but you are going to eat intentionally and healthfully everyday and one mistake does not mean you give up that day. Rewarding yourself with a cheat treat, does not mean you drag bad thoughts about yourself into the shower that night. Enjoying food does not make you a failure. What makes you a failure is giving up on yourself; that you can't find anything "good" to eat, that you have no self control or will power, thinking that you can't do it, or not doing it because it's "too hard". "It's never too late to be what you might have been" - George Eliot.

     Something I always use to do, that I have not been good about lately is that if I allowed myself a frozen yogurt with more chocolate toppings than necessary or if I enjoyed something involving a lot of unneeded warm chocolate and ice cream (are you getting the hint that I really like chocolate yet?) I would remember to take that into the gym with me later that day or the next. I would do my workout but then push myself to go further because of what I had allowed myself that took me farther from my goal. Personnel responsibility.

So why did I write this?

     On this blog I am going to be posting healthy recipes, alternatives to "junky" recipes that makes them healthier, tips and tricks, etc. However I am also going to be posting indulgent recipes, sweets, desserts & carbivore goodness. I want readers to know where I am coming from. You can see something I post, try it out and discover that you do like "healthy" food. I promise. I want people to share with me how they liked my more healthful recipes (and even my "unhealthy" ones) and share photos on how theirs turned out. If you know a great healthy recipes I would be open to posting it so that people realize there is good, enjoyable fuel out there :-) Even if it is healthy, c'est si bon!

Instant Vitality You Can Drink Up! Water, Aloe Vera & Coffee

Water, Aloe Vera Juice, & A Espresso Shot with 2% milk

     Here are a few ways you can improve your vitality today. Ways that are not hard, but easy. Ways that are not expensive, but affordable. Ways that will help you feeling better and looking better, ASAP!  Add these liquids to your morning routine and let me know how they worked for you.

     You don't need me to tell you that increasing your water intake daily is good for you. This you know. What you might not know is that before you take your daily sip of morning coffee you should drink a nice tall glass of water first. Why?
  • This will aid in weight loss. Hydrating yourself first thing in the a.m. boosts your metabolism.
  • Drinking a nice tall glass of water fills up your stomach and curbs your appetite. Since most of us wake up hungry, this will aid in you fighting "eyes bigger than stomach" disease (from which I am a long time sufferer) and having a more appropriate sized meal. 
  • Hydrating yourself right away prevents sickness.
  • Water detoxes the body, why would you not want to start that first thing in your day? Detoxing your body makes you more beautiful inside and out! It clears your skin up and makes it more radiant. Drinking water also keeps you regular and helps clean your colon, making you prettier on the inside too!

Step it Up with Lemon!
     Adding lemon juice to your morning water (to your lunch water, dinner water...) is like a power packed boost and natural detoxer. Not only does doing this help prevent kidney stones but the acidity in lemons makes them a great alkaline food that can balance your body's PH. Lemons contain pectin which aids in digestion and helps weight loss. 

Aloe Vera Magic

2 to 4 oz per day goes a long way. 

     The benefits of Aloe Vera Juice are vast, but a few that are immediate are the detoxing properties. The juice helps aids in digestion, clearing out body and colon. Having some helps with tummy aches and heart burn. Additionally, it helps regulate blood sugars and blood pressure. Since Aloe increases metabolic rate to burn more calories, it can contribute in weight loss. More positives that you might not feel immediately: 
your improved circulation
the help in healing internal tissues
the strengthening of your immune system 
the delayed development and growth of cancerous tumors
& reduction in inflammation. 
Like most things, careful with the excess! Aloe is healthful in 2 to 4 oz amounts a day only! So break it up or take it at once but be careful to not go overboard! 

     Don't worry, I am not about to tell you that you need to quit your morning fix. But....everything in moderation. Some things you should know about the pleasure that is coffee is excess can lead to irritability, nervousness and anxiety. Even if you think you are one of those people who don't get side effects from too much java, you are. Trust me. Caffeine is like a HELLO to your body, and if you are having so much of it that you are building an immunity and need more to get that spike; it is time to start cutting down my friend. Too much of our robust buddy can raise your blood pressure, increase the feeling of stress, especially in people with hypertension. Having too much of it in your system can impact your sleep quality and  cause insomnia. If you find yourself not having a restful sleep, this might be why. Additionally, coffee can give you cravings! If you are someone who at times does not have a lot of will power proceed with caution! Remember how a nice full glass of H2O in the morning helps curb cravings? This is why its key to have one before that first morning sip. If you are a multiple cup drinking (especially through out your day) have a glass before every cup. Caffeine can dehydrate you so hydrating can counter that effect. Since coffee is socially connected we often grab it while we are out with a friend....its no mistake that pastry case at your favorite coffee spot is looking ever tempting. Since you are out with a friend to grab a coffee and gab, your cravings and need to be entertained while you're hangout out lead you to add on that scone, cookie, bagel, brownie, etc...(sorry if you are now heading toward a craving spiral). Lastly, conventional coffee is overloaded with pesticides, try to go organic if you can! Since you consume if everyday, paying a little bit more for a whole lotta less nasty stuff is well worth it. Trader Joes & Sprouts has reasonably priced beans that are organic and in an ultra dark roast! 

     If you haven't quit on me now because I blasted our B-F-F coffee (I hope you didn't) then lets talk about the goodness of coffee besides that fact that its just plain fantastic. 
Coffee is full of healthful antioxidants. Like Aloe, it can fight inflammation. It gives us a short term memory boost and lowers the risk of heart disease (in 2 to 4 cup daily drinkers). Researchers have tied coffee drinking to curbing certain cancer developments and lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Your liver loves coffee! Drinking it lowers incidences of cirrhosis, even alcoholic cirrhosis. To round it out, coffee battles fatigue, curbs depression and helps prevent gout. Coffee has many benefits and can be healthy in moderation. It's not that we can't order that white mocha, or triple grandly mocha with chocolate drizzle...but reserve those for cheat days. Coffee often hides calories with all the yummy, sinful joy we add to it and just call it our morning coffee (or if you are like me who wants a fancy, sophisticated coffee 3x a day) instead of a bomb of empty calories that will go straight to your ass. By ass I mean anywhere that your unwanted hub of jiggle develops. You know what I'm talking about. 

    So please, add the water in. Try the Aloe and be responsible with your coffee! I promise you its an easy positive change that will bring you nothing but goodness! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Orecchiette Carbonara with Pancetta, Brussels Sprouts and Kale Sprouts.

“Cooking is at once child's play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love.” 
 Craig Claiborne

     I saw a similar pasta recipe and since I love brussels sprouts I had to give it a try. Of course I had to make it my own with a few twists. Unless my boyfriend and dog are lying to me, it came out amazing! Carbonara is a guilty pleasure; this is a great dish to make for a Sunday lunch (like I did) that way you have the entire rest of the day to digest the heaviness of the carbonara. The veggies, which are charred but still crisp will help with this. This meal is great for introducing stubborn family members or kids to new veggies and cheeses! Pecorino which is used in this dish, is not typical of many Italian-American dishes that most American have been exposed to, as Mozzarella and Parmesan are. Carbonara sauce, made with egg yolks (if done right) is rich and creamy. This is a win for the foodie in your life! Try this out and share your results with me!

What you will need to make this dish:

1. Some good cooking music: I used Pandora's French Cafe station
2. A pot and colander for pasta
3. A large skillet
4. Wooden cooking spoon
5. cheese grater 

& these ingredients:
  • 3 oz. kale sprouts (choosing the most purple sprouts gives the dish great color)
  • 7oz. shaved brussels sprouts (Trader Joes makes a bag of shaved brussels sprouts)
  • 16 oz. (1 lb.) orecchiette 
  • 4 cloves of fresh garlic (add more if you want a stronger taste of garlic)
  • Kosher salt
  • oz. pancetta, chopped. (You can find this in a package at Trader Joes) 
  • ½ tsp. coarsely ground black pepper
  • ½ stick unsalted butter, diced
  •  cup grated pecorino and more to sprinkle (you can buy a block or pre-grated at TJ's also, keep in mind that fresh is always best!)
  • large egg yolks, beaten 
  • 2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

1. Fill your pot with the appropriate amount of water, add a few pinches of Kosher salt and some olive oil if you like, I add about 2 tablespoons. This salt and EVOO should be separate from the amount you have delegated towards the recipe. Bring the water to a rolling boil. Add the pasta and stir occasionally so that the pasta does not stick to the bottom. 

if you did plan on grating your cheese fresh, make sure to do so before starting to cook!

2. In your skillet add 2 Tbsp. of EVOO and your veggies. I would chop the kale sprouts down if necessary for biting size. Dice your garlic and add to the skillet. Cook the veggies until they have a nice charr on them. Remove them from the skillet and set aside. 

3. Drain your pasta when 'al dente' and set aside. Save 2 cups of the pasta water.

4. In the same now empty skillet (no need to clean or wipe down as long as empty) add your pancetta and black pepper. After about 45 seconds or when fragrant, add 3/4 cup of water from the pasta and mix. When this mixture starts to boil, add in the butter. Mix well until all butter is melted. 

5. Add the pasta to the skillet and mix. Then remove from the heat.

6. Once removed from the heat, add the veggies into the skillet and incorporate into the pasta. Add in the pecorino cheese and then the 3 beaten egg yolks, mixing quickly so that the egg does not cook and covers the entire pasta. 

7. If you think your pasta looks a bit dry and does not have a creamy texture, add more water. Keep in mind that if you did not move your skillet away from the heat the pasta will continue to cook, sucking up more of the moisture of your sauce, hence making your pasta dry. You can also add a bit more butter or one more egg yolk if you have done this, but AVOID at all costs as this can ruin the dish, as well as add calories.

8. Serve onto plates, and sprinkle more cheese over if desired. 

Buon appetito!  

Pairs great with white wines (try a pinot grigio) 
Serves 5 people at just under 700 calories a plate. 

le launch.

      I'm going to be writing about (and photographing) food, decor, life, style, food, my dog, drinks, men, friends, food, losing weight, doing it yourself projects, renovations, products I love, gaining weight, working out, food, things I love, things I hate, dieting, health, food, food, embarrassing moments of which I have a lot, culture, food, traveling, sex, women, life experiences and lastly and I cook, I bake, I am open to trying new recipes and sharing them with you (if you should be so lucky). Then you can try them out and share yours back with me. First and foremost its about the cooking, but other things happen in life too so enjoy and please share!!!